The people of Kashmir are friendly and welcoming, and the cuisine is unbeatably exquisite. Kashmir is the ideal location for you if you're looking for a spot to escape the rush of city life.
Kashmir Holiday Packages from Bangalore
Kashmir Tour Itinerary |
No. of Days |
Price* |
Kashmir Family Tour Holiday Package |
03 Nights / 04 Days |
Rs. 6,875 |
Blissful Soulmate Kashmir Holiday |
04 Nights / 05 Days |
Rs. 8,755 |
Summer Kashmir Tour Package |
05 Nights / 06 Days |
Rs. 11,775 |
Katra Darshan with Kashmir Tour |
06 Nights / 07 Days |
Rs. 14,888 |
Delight Kashmir Honeymoon Tour Packages |
07 Nights / 08 Days |
Rs. 18,355 |
Tour Packages to Kashmir from Bangalore
Are you looking for Bangalore to Kashmir travel packages? There is no need to search further; C Himalaya's Kashmir holiday packages from Bangalore are the best option. C Himalaya offers a variety of personalized Kashmir travel packages from Bangalore to accommodate all types of travelers.
Choose from tour packages to Kashmir from Bangalore and take advantage of exceptional offers and savings. You may easily make reservations, pay for them, and get instant confirmations online with C Himalaya. C Himalaya travel packages to Kashmir from Bangalore with or without flights, with prices beginning at Rs 9999.
C Himalaya makes sure that your schedule includes all of the most important Kashmir sites by carefully selecting the sightseeing and suggested activities. To further personalize your Kashmir tours from Bangalore, you can choose from a variety of additional tours and activities in and near Kashmir. In order to make it simple for you to choose the right kind of tour to Kashmir from Bangalore, C Himalaya also conveniently groups their Kashmir packages from Bangalore by subject.
Travel Packages to Kashmir from Bangalore
Our individualized Bangalore to Kashmir tour packages are similar to one-stop shopping since they cover everything from airfare to ground transportation, lodging, and sightseeing.
With our Bangalore to Kashmir packages, you may arrange a trip to a mysterious place filled with natural and architectural marvels. It is the ideal tourist location for Bangalore residents who want to take relaxing vacations in the shadow of the majestic Himalayas. All types of tourists can enjoy a wonderful vacation on the Kashmir trip.
Book Kashmir Tour Packages from Bangalore with C Himalaya
With one of our Bangalore to Kashmir tours, you can go through Dal Lake on a houseboat while admiring the stunning snow-capped mountains. Enjoy the alluring appeal of beautifully adorned gardens. On holiday to Kashmir from Bangalore, you will be entranced as you discover well-known waterfalls and take in the majestic magnificence of well-known tourist spots.
Ideal Duration to travel to Kashmir from Bangalore
There are numerous sights and activities to enjoy in Kashmir, one of the most well-liked tourist destinations in the entire nation. The best time frame is four to five days, during which time all the key locations can be visited. If you wish to include Leh and Ladakh in this journey, it can take a week. Another option if you want to make the trip more reasonable is to choose one of the Kashmir tour packages from Bangalore. This is your opportunity to save money.
Best Time To Visit Kashmir from Bangalore
There isn't really a specific time or season to visit; you may come here at any time of the year, but if you want to see live snow, come in January. You may experience the best natural beauty here, and the climate is comfortable everywhere. You will feel comfortable here even if you come during the summer.
Here, the temperature will be between 10 and 30 degrees. The location has never been particularly hot, and in the summer you can see a great range of blossoms. You can benefit from the many flower and festival displays if you go around April or May.
From October to March is the winter season, and if you're lucky, you might even get to see some snow. Bring heavy wool clothing whether you choose to wander inside or outside or sit anywhere.
How To travel to Kashmir from Bangalore?
By Air
If you're travelling from Bangalore, you can fly into Srinagar Airport, and then you can take a cab to get where you're going. Alternately, take a flight to Jammu and continue your journey by road.
By Train
You can travel here from Bangalore via train as well. Jammu Tawi is the closest railway station. One direct train departing from Bangalore is known as the Suvidha express. Not more than 54 hours will pass on this train. Even though the trip is too long, it will be wonderful to experience this.
By Road
Sometimes it is fun to arrive by car. There are many bikers riding here. If your family is travelling, you can also select a private cab or car.